DigiFlow Macros

This page contains a growing library of useful DigiFlow macros. It is hoped that DigiFlow users, as well as the author of DigiFlow, will contribute macros that may be of use by the community at large. Macros and queries may be submitted via the author. Contributors are requested to both provide a brief description of the macro/package functionality, and to ensure the macro is well commented or self-documenting. Copyright of contributions to this page remains with the authors, but with the understanding that no royalty or fee is required for their use and that the macros may be modified or incorporated into a larger package provided the original authorship of the contributing parts remains documented.

Macro package




Stuart Dalziel
DAMTP, University of Cambridge

Imports DigImage colour schemes into DigiFlow.


Stuart Dalziel
DAMTP, University of Cambridge

Provides a countdown timer for conferences, seminars, etc.


Stuart Dalziel
DAMTP, University of Cambridge

Records in a file the locations on an image where the user clicks the mouse.


Stuart Dalziel
DAMTP, University of Cambridge

A simple, 2D inviscid numerical code.


Stuart Dalziel
DAMTP, University of Cambridge

Plots velocity arrows using a streamfunction.